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Artist's Statement

My painting explores the natural world through an abstract lens. In New Mexico, a land filled with mountains, high desert light and desolation I paint what I see; the muted tones of the earth, splashes of color, vibrant ever-changing light and the clouds casting shadows on the mountains. All of this both captivates and inspires me.


My paintings reflect what I see and respond to through line, color, texture and motion. Starting with an idea, image, or a scene I’ve observed I begin with simple lines which are then layered with color and texture. My emotional response to the image evolves through the process of creating the painting. The shapes on canvas, paper and wood panel expand and contract with the addition of color and texture creating movement. It is an additive and subtractive process. 

After years of writing poetry, using words to express myself, constantly editing to get it “just right” there is something freeing in simply letting the paint speak what is in me.

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